Saturday, August 20, 2011

Reading, Rollercoasters, and a Rock

Fun Fact #53 -- I love alliterations. They are truly terrific things.

One of the most famous Christian authors is definitely Karen Kingsbury (she's featured in the Family Christian Bookstore enough). Since book prices are usually high and library hold lists are long, I never got around to reading any of her books till this week. After my friend recommended Unlocked, I ordered it from my library and patiently waited for it to come. Upon finishing it, I was amazed. It made me cry and wiggle (yes, wiggle) in happiness. As I said on Facebook, "I truly believe that through this book, the Lord has ignited in me a passion to love, especially those who are passed by others. As Ella said, 'We need to love each other. Now...while there's still time.' " I was totally high off of a happy ending and the Holy Spirit. I went to bed, but it wasn't until I made a list of people I need to love more, that I finally fell asleep. (The official book trailer is below.)

The next day, some relatives and I were talking about age and maturity. The conversation went a little like this:

Kayla: I think that age is just a number. Your maturity level is really what shows how old you are. Some   people never seem to age though... (Not very Christlike of me to say, I know.)
Relative #1: Like ________, right? He's not very mature, is he, Kayla?
Kayla: *pauses* No, he's actually pretty mature for his age.
Relative #2: Yeah, Kayla, you're supposed to love him more. *snottily*

It was so discouraging. After that I went to bed early, not really feeling up to socializing with the family any longer. I felt pretty low.

The lesson that I captured from this whole emotional rollercoaster (don't you love being a girl?) is that even though we might be low in faith and high in sadness at times, the Lord never loves us differently varying from day to day. His love and faithfulness are steady and never fails. It's pretty amazing compared to...well, everything, but especially compared to how our lives never seem to stay the same. He's the Rock in the crashing waves of our hearts.

What fiction books give you a boost in faith and love?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kayla!!!
    I can't believe it!
    You read the book around the same time as me! I saw it high reviews and was recommended, so I borrowed it from the church library. I also enjoyed reading that book too :) It was so touching.
    I was just browsing through for your blog, and found it! It's so encouraging. I love the concepts you intermix in here along with books. Sounds like you should be a devotional writer.
